We are so excited to announce that our Emerge Sisterhood Christmas Party will be held on Monday, December 16th from 6-8p.m. at the Tallahassee Garden Club. The Garden Club is located at 507 North Calhoun Street. We hope you will be able to join us for a festive night of food and fellowship with each other. Feel free to bring guests to join us during this season when we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Emerge will be providing the main course for dinner and we are asking our Sisterhood ladies to sign up to bring a side dish. The link to sign-up for a side dish is: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0A4EAFA92BA0FF2-emerge
Also, we will be doing a jewelry exchange that night. If you would like to participate, bring any piece of wrapped jewelry ($10 or less) and join in the fun!
During this season of giving we would like to bless the single moms at Making Miracles Group Home with some needed items. Emerge continues to work to support the amazing work of Debra Harris and this ministry. Below is a list of items that would help them out greatly. If you feel led to donate, please bring your items to the party and we will make sure they get delivered.
Garbage Bags (Kitchen Size)
Kitchen Wipes
Freezer Bags
Dish Detergent
Paper Towels
Diapers (size 3-5)
Swiffer Pads
Dish Cloths & Towels
Wash Cloths
Laundry Detergent
Toilet Paper Towels
Dryer Sheets
Wet Wipes
Air Freshener
Shampoo & Conditioner
Baby Wash & Lotion
Scented Candles
Infant Tylenol/Motrin
If you would like to make a financial contribution to Making Miracles, please click here: https://emergechurch.churchcenter.com/giving
We are asking everyone who plans to attend to register. There is no cost to attend the party, but we want to make sure we have enough food and everything setup to comfortably accommodate everyone who will attend.
Please register yourself and any guests who will be attending at: https://emergechurch.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/336947